The British Empire was the largest empire in history. At its height in 1922, it covered around a quarter of Earth's land surface and ruled over 458 million people.
The British Empire began in the late 1500s under Queen Elizabeth I. By 1913 the empire had grown to rule over 400 million people, making it the largest empire in history. British government and ...
This course will bring you back down to earth. It offers a unique and scholarly history of the complexity of the British Empire through its origins, rise, fall and legacy. No subject is off limit. Its ...
This idea that you can have a kind of trip around the British Empire. That you're transporting ... in the context of aspects like "Rhodes Must Fall' and Colston... we are thinking about these ...
Like the best British films, Empire of Light brings together a galaxy ... Empire of Light is set in 1981, at a key point in Britain’s decline, the start of the 80s and the Thatcher decade.