Can bone broth really relieve joint pain, improve gut health, and improve your skin? We asked the experts what they think.
helping to reduce calcium excretion—both of which support bone and joint health. Dr. Hoang Quyet Tien, from the Medical Information Center at Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City ...
That satisfying pop from knuckles or unexpected crack from knees during stretches often puzzles both medical professionals ...
Common Orthopaedic surgeries include arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), Joint replacement, Discectomy and spine surgeries, and management of other bone and joint disorders. Following these tips and ...
A joint is held together by ligaments which give the joints their stability. Cartilage is found at the ends of bones and where joints meet. Tendons attach muscles to the skeleton. Synovial joints ...
From indoor temperature, the type of exercise, hydration, stress levels and diet, here is a lowdown on bone health ...
Women past menopause can protect themselves from future fractures through infrequent, cheap IV infusions of a bone-str ...
The bone and joint research theme brings together skills in different diseases: osteoporosis, osteo arthritis, osteogenesis imperfecta, bone metastases and holds an MRC-Arthritis Research UK Award ...