Berserk Is a Beloved Retro Anime and Manga Franchise for Dark Fantasy Fans The original Berserk manga began its publication in 1989, with the series running under Kentaro Miura until 2021.
Since its first publication in 1990, ‘Berserk‘ has gained popularity as one of the most iconic and gut-wrenching anime and manga series ever written. ‘Berserk‘, written and illustrated by ...
The right order to watch the Berserk anime series is Berserk (1997), Berserk: The Golden Age Arc Film Trilogy (2012-2013), and then Berserk (2016-2017) all are connected but there is another ...
The manga is only officially available in Japan. The manga has many volumes now, and it will be a lengthy process to license and translate it. While there is an anime adaptation, the first two ...
UNIQLO has revealed a new UT T-shirt series featuring original graphics from the late Kentaro Miura’s renowned dark fantasy manga, Berserk. The drop will feature two distinct T-shirt designs ...
“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura, has resumed after an abrupt hiatus following the death of the author last year. The latest episode was published in the 13th issue of ...