Berserk is a Japanese anime TV series based on Kentaro Miura's manga series of the same name. The Shin Itagaki directed was ...
Grunbeld, Irvine, and Locus are among the formidable characters in Berserk known for their deadly abilities in battle. The God Hand and the impending threat of the Idea of Evil stand as some of ...
Berserk has a huge cast of characters, and in a fighting game, many of them would be more exciting than Guts as a result of ...
As fans continue to revisit Berserk and new chapters emerge, Kentaro Miura's spirit lives on through the story he so lovingly ...
Emperor Ganishka was one of the strongest characters throughout all of Berserk. He would leave destruction and devastation in his wake, driven by his insatiable greed of conquering and controlling ...
deep characters, and mature themes. The main storyline revolves around Guts’ vendetta against Griffith, who betrayed him and their friends to gain immense power as a demon. The 1997 Berserk ...
Miura then developed almost the entire story of “Berserk,” including the final episode, according to Mori’s account. Miura went on to add other characters and elements, but with the ending ...