Some of these fish would survive to spawn two or more times. Several challenges must be met in order to successfully restore Atlantic salmon to Lake Ontario. These include habitat remediation, ...
Five years after the Gulf of Maine Atlantic salmon population was listed as endangered in 2000, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service published a recovery plan for ...
The doctoral dissertation of Aslak Eronen, MSc, entitled "Hybridization of landlocked and anadromous Atlantic salmon: ...
"Their solid waste smothers plants and ocean life while disease outbreaks and sea lice threaten nearby endangered wild salmon ...
Salmon Return To Spawn in Historic Habitat After Largest US Dam Removal in History (Maria) The author writes, “A giant female ...
The Klamath River is the third-largest salmon-spawning habitat on the West Coast. With headwaters gathering froth and force .