Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday said that currently, state Self Help Groups (SHGs) and federations collectively manage a corpus pool of about Rs 300 crore, which, he said, is a ...
Arunachal University of Studies is a Private university in Arunachal Pradesh. It is located in Main Campus, NH- 52, Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh.- 79 2103, India. Given below are the M.F.A. Applied Art ...
ITANAGAR- “India will develop when the North East develops. North East will develop when Arunachal develops. Arunachal will develop when its villages develop.
a hallmark of cultural immersion and sustainability from Arunachal Pradesh, is embarking on a new journey with the launch of ‘Ziro On Tour'. The nationwide celebration of music, art and ...
Ram Mirilaya is set to mesmerise audiences with his soulful performance at Ziro on Tour. Being called the new face of Indian ...