Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday said that currently, state Self Help Groups (SHGs) and federations collectively manage a corpus pool of about Rs 300 crore, which, he said, is a ...
Arunachal University of Studies is a Private university in Arunachal Pradesh. It is located in Main Campus, NH- 52, Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh.- 79 2103, India. Given below are the M.F.A. Applied Art ...
ITANAGAR- “India will develop when the North East develops. North East will develop when Arunachal develops. Arunachal will develop when its villages develop.
a hallmark of cultural immersion and sustainability from Arunachal Pradesh, is embarking on a new journey with the launch of ‘Ziro On Tour'. The nationwide celebration of music, art and ...