Demographic Research Vol. 35, JULY - DECEMBER 2016 The Great Recession and America’s geogra... The Great Recession and America’s geography of unemployment This is the metadata section. Skip to content ...
North America is the third largest continent in the world. It is located in the Northern Hemisphere. The north of the continent is within the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer passes through ...
The existence of that forest, and the effort either to use or subdue it, have been constant themes in American history, literature, economics, and geography up to the meaning of the forest in American ...
[a] masterful exploration of early American in insight, powerful in originality, and sweeping in the connections it opens between culture, geography, politics, science, and the ...
The first of our subjects, geography, is the science of describing the surface of the globe, whilegeology has for its object the description of the interior of thc earth, and tracing the lJistory ...