Pope Francis teaches that if we want to experience the joy of the Gospel and union with God, we need to begin by sharing ...
Understanding Matthew’s use of prophecy Matthew’s Gospel frequently draws on Old Testament Scriptures to demonstrate that ...
Today’s Gospel teaches us that the principle part of faith is patience. And this Advent, I trust that God’s timing is perfect ...
Nevertheless, the message of this gospel is essentially one of hope ... What has all this got to do with Advent? As our lives unfold from day to day and year to year, Advent annually recapitulates ...
The name Advent (From the Latin word Adventus ... quite distinct from their Sunday homilies on the Gospels of that season. In the capitularia of Charles the Bald, in 846, the bishops admonish ...
An Italian Gaudete Sunday Chasuble, 17th century, Trent, embroidered silk and gold thread © Diocesan Museum of Trent, Italy.
La Croix International and Living with Christ Africa invite readers to meet those working with the most vulnerable. Today, we ...
Here's a heartfelt prayer you can share with your family during the celebration of the fourth Sunday of Advent. Remember to ...
As the season of Advent draws to a close, four local clergy have offered their perspectives of the importance of Advent as it ...
The birth of Jesus at Christmas is all about hope, peace, joy and love, writes Lauren Green of Fox News this holiday season — ...
The Gospels were written long after Christ lived ... sensitive to the arrival of Christ in the Spirit. The days of Advent on which we now embark can be a school of love, a time to prepare ...
Lent, Advent, Christmas, and Easter have their own texts. In Ordinary Time, the Gospels are determined by a cycle of readings that is repeated every year. However, the first readings, which are ...