It was in that tragic moment while sitting in a drug house smoking crack and watching the 9/11 attacks on television that ...
I came out a new man. After an attempt to decriminalize drugs made the addiction crisis in Oregon even worse, local Christians are pleading with the sick—and the state—to let them help.
We’re headed into the Somerset County Jail. Madison, Maine. So this is the entrance. This is for weapons clearing only. In ...
BISMARCK, N.D. (North Dakota Monitor) – Witnesses on Monday characterized the kratom plant as both as a dangerous and ...
When we gather to support each other in overcoming this challenge through (Jesus Christ), my experience is that he is there ...
In a recent Michigan Medicine webinar, experts from the University of Michigan Addiction Center break down facts about ...
Jelly Roll hits the nail firmly on the head in advocating for a comprehensive approach to this insidious and deadly societal ...
Students working at the new student-run advertising agency got something unexpected from one of their first clients during ...
The testimony on kratom came during a North Dakota House Judiciary Committee hearing on House Bill 1101, which would add mitragynine, derived from kratom, to a list of controlled substances.