Access control and basic Time & Attendance management software. Upload and download of card data, lock type, door open time and sensor operation data. Real-time monitoring of event/alarm. Data upload ...
CEM SWENET256 is an Ethernet reader controller software for 256 doors. It is a software controller required for use with Ethernet based CEM readers and devices as part of the AC2000 SE (Standard ...
The DMA_CTRL core implements a low-power, single-channel Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller that is used to transfer data across a bus to and from a peripheral device. With the DMA_CTRL, a DMA ...
The AXI4-SGDMA IP core implements a Host-to-Peripheral (H2P), or a Peripheral-to-Host (P2H) Direct Memory Access (DMA) engine, which interfaces the host system with an AXI4 Memory-Mapped master ...