三星即将在国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)上展示其最新的第10代超过400层3D NAND Flash,接口速度可达5.6 GT/s。这款V-NAND保持着TLC(三级单元,或每个单元3 ...
三星电子在3D NAND闪存生产领域取得了引人瞩目的技术进展。据韩媒The Elec最新报道,这家科技巨头在光刻工艺上实现了重大革新,成功将光刻胶(PR)的使用量减半。 报道指出,在以往的3D ...
12月4日消息,据Tom's hardware报道,三星将在即将举行的国际固态电路会议(ISSCC)上展示新的超过400层3D NAND Flash,接口速度为5.6 GT/s。 报道称,三星的第10代V-NAND保持了TLC(三级单元 ...
11 月 26 日消息,韩媒 The Elec 今天(11 月 26 日)发布博文,报道称三星电子在生产 3D NAND 闪存方面取得重大突破,在其中光刻工艺中大幅缩减光刻胶 ...
Workarounds include stacking more layers on top of each other (3D NAND) and increasing the number of voltage levels – and thus bits – within an individual cell. Although this has boosted the ...
三星降本,供应商发愁。 三星电子在其最新的 3D NAND 闪存光刻工艺中减少了厚光刻胶(PR)的使用,让成本大幅节约。然而,这一举措可能会影响其 ...
A technical paper titled “3D NAND Flash Memory Cell Current and Interference Characteristics Improvement With Multiple Dielectric Spacer” was published by researchers at Myongji University, Soongsil ...
The chip industry is pushing to quadruple the stack height of 3D NAND flash from 200 layers to 800 layers or more over the next few years, using the additional capacity will help to feed the unending ...
YMTC, a Chinese 3D NAND maker, is not only ramping up production of flash memory at a rapid pace, but does so using silicon wafers produced in China, according to chief executive and chairman of ...