上周五,苹果搭载M2芯片的Apple MacBook Pro已经正式开售,8G+256G版本售价9999元。但有博主测试发现,这款新品并非在全部参数上都超越了M1版本,256GB ...
近期,法国科技企业Polysoft发布了一项针对苹果Mac Studio的重大技术突破,成功解锁了其专有SSD存储模块的升级难题,为用户带来了经济实惠的存储空间扩展方案。 据悉,Polysoft将于2025年1月推出名为Studio ...
If you buy an entry-level 13-inch MacBook Pro, you’ll at least be able to replace the SSD yourself. But Touch Bar versions come with soldered SSDs. That means users are stuck with the initial ...
The Pro-G40 was first released in 2022, and was already on our list of the best SSD drives for Mac, but this current model provides both improved performance and higher capacity for your work files.