ToplineLarry Ellison, Oracle’s billionaire co-founder, had his net worth cut by $15 billion Tuesday as the company’s stock ...
Now alleged the fifth wife of Larry Ellison, the 80-year-old co-founder of Oracle, Jolin Zhu, 33, is a China native who moved ...
据悉,世界上第四大富豪、甲骨文(Oracle)创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)近期已开启了自己的第五段婚姻。这位80岁的科技亿万富翁的新任妻子出生于1991年,仅33岁。此前,美国密歇根大学橄榄球队的赞助商Champions ...
据悉,世界上第四大富豪、甲骨文(Oracle)创始人拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)近期已开启了自己的第五段婚姻。这位80岁的科技亿万富翁的新任妻子出生于1991年,仅33岁。
Ellison — Oracle Corp. 's co-founder and former CEO as well as its current chairman and chief technology officer — is who the ...
第一段婚姻始于1967年,结束于1974年;之后埃里森在1977年再婚,但是仅一年之后又离婚。在1983年,他与公司的前接待员芭芭拉·布特(Barbara ...
Larry Ellison's $165 million Oxford investment aims to transform research into products, in areas including health and clean ...
Larry Ellison, co-founder of Oracle, saw his net worth plummet by ₹1.1 lakh crore in a single day after the company missed ...
软件公司甲骨文(Oracle)创办人、全球第三大富豪埃里森(Larry Ellison),最近为密歇根大学榄球狼獾队抢到明星球员,震动全美体育界。有报道指80岁的埃里森,成功挖角,其33岁华裔娇妻朱凯伦(Keren Zhu,音译)出力甚巨。
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David Ellison, son of Oracle billionaire Larry Ellison who will run the combined company as chairman and CEO, is planning ...