在Virginie Viard于6月离职后,香奈儿最终决定任命Bottega Veneta的创意总监Matthieu Blazy为品牌新任创意总监。至此 Matthieu Blazy 也成为了香奈儿这家拥有百年历史的顶级老牌时装屋继Gabrielle ...
Long before social media existed, Gabrielle Chanel was the first beauty influencer. The founder and namesake of the French ...
The Ultimatum' stars Micah and Chanel were noticeably absent from the show's Season 3 reunion. Here's why they didn't attend ...
With Matthieu Blazy as Chanel's artistic director, get ready for a new generation of tweed-and-pearls that are anything but.
The fashion world has been waiting to learn the name of the person who will succeed Karl Lagerfeld and Virginie Viard. He or ...
Chanel最近宣布了一项令人瞩目的任命:Matthieu Blazy正式成为品牌的新任创意总监。对于这个消息,时尚界纷纷表示关注,这不仅是一次重要的人事变动,更可能为Chanel带来全新的创作方向。让我们一同揭开这个故事的神秘面纱,深入了解Blazy的背景以及他适合这个角色的原因。
After months of speculation, the French fashion house has appointed Bottega Veneta’s creative director to its top job.
Matthieu Blazy is getting the coveted post. Here’s how it went down.
而当 12 月 13 日 CHANEL 宣布 Matthieu Blazy 加入,这场创意总监的大戏终于迎来尾声。这为今年时尚行业疯狂的人员更替留下一个阶段性注脚。虽然各种变动仍会继续,但年底这波人员流动后,行业将重新划分势力范围,公司层面的变化将在明后年体现,2025 年正以一个全新面貌向我们走来。
与此同时, Chanel(香奈儿)宣布任命Matthieu Blazy为创意总监 ,他将负责Chanel所有的高定、成衣和配饰系列,并向香奈儿时装部总裁兼香奈儿SAS总裁 Bruno Pavlovsky直接汇报工作。
Tyler, The Creator 个人品牌 GOLF le FLEUR* 在日前发布了 Season 3 的型录特辑。 浓郁的欧洲复古风格与鲜明的色调烘托出独属于 Tyler, The Creator ...
近日,法国奢侈 品牌 CHANEL再次展现其在 时尚 与艺术领域的深厚底蕴,为一部探讨气候灾难与社会不平等问题的音乐剧电影《The End》提供了服装设计。这部由CHANEL品牌大使Tilda ...