Labcorp is a global life sciences and healthcare company, and our mission is simple: improve health, improve lives. We leverage science, technology and innovation to accomplish our …
Labcorp is a global life sciences and healthcare company, and our mission is simple: improve health, improve lives. We leverage science, technology and innovation to accomplish our mission—getting you answers that help you make clear, confident decisions about your health.Our Patient Service Centers offer routine medical testing—as well as recommended screenings based on your age and gender. It’s easier than ever to make an appointment. Testing results will be available to you in your Labcorp Patient Portal. Quick and easy information both you and your healthcare provider can use to improve your health outcomes. And walk-ins are welcome.
Lab results are delivered to your Labcorp Patient™ portal account. Log in or register online. For more information, you may also see our Notice of Privacy Practices...
广告Already Calibrated For Most Soil Types So You Get High Accuracy Right Out Of The Box. Measure SoilMoisture, Temperature, and EC. Increased Volume of Influence (1010 mL).
Accurate · Easy Installation · Temperature and EC · Affordable
Types: Volumetric Water Content, Temperature, Electrical Conductivity