{0} 的热门建议缩小{0}的搜索范围浏览类似 {0} 的更多搜索对 {0} 感兴趣的人还搜索了 |
- Trochee
Poetry - Spondee
- Dactylic
- Octameter
- Anapest
- Iambic
Feet - Iamb
Poetry - Heptameter
- Trochaic
- Hexameter
- Trochee
Example Poetry - Tetrameter
- Anapestic
Meter - Trochaic
Pentameter - Dactyl
Poetry - Poetic
Meter - Trochaic
Foot - Trochaic
Examples - Scansion
Example - Metrical
Pattern - Poetic Feet
Chart - Trochaic Poem
Examples - Trochee
Sword - Iambic Pentameter
Macbeth - What Is Trochaic
Meter - Metric
Poem - Septolet
Poem - Rhythm
Trochee - Troaches
Gummy - 10 Syllable
Poem - Prosody
Examples - Trochaic Dimeter
Examples - Examples of
Trochee Words - Obat Troches
Meiji - Limerick
Poetry - AABB Rhyme Scheme
Poems - Diametrically
- Example of Strophic
Song - Pyrrhic Example
Poetry - Mileisha
Troche - Watermelon
Troches - Trochee
Painting - Stressed and Unstressed
Syllables Symbols - Mycelex
Troche - Een Trochee
Voorbeeld - Spondees and
Trochees - One Foot of a
Trochee - Trochaic
Tetrameter - Spondaic
Meter - Unstressed
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