11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Follow a theatrical story told by the Rangers as we traverse “there and back again” into the forest, leaving reality behind and chasing a land of mysticism and magic.
Park officials reported that one or more people spray-painted around 10 trees and numerous rocks near the trail. They found most graffiti near the trail's end and believe it happened on Dec. 20 or 21.
The Sierra Nevada Mountains are part of Sierra Nevada National Park, the largest national park in Spain. The park stretches more than 320 square miles from Granada to the edge of Almeria and ...
Sleep under the stars! Camp overnight in our parks with our Urban Park Rangers as your hosts and guides. Pitch a tent under the stars and settle in for a night of adventure. Some of our ...
Banner image: An UWA ranger on patrol inside of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Image by Ashoka Mukpo for Mongabay. Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy.