Not only have cookies won a stay of execution, it now looks like digital fingerprinting is back as well. But as one regulator has pointed out, Google itself has said that this type of tracking ...
A Russian ballistic missile attack on Ukraine’s capital Kyiv early Friday killed at least one person and injured 12 others, officials said. Moscow claimed it was in response to a Ukrainian ...
They’re also spending money to crush a Democratic proposal to create a database of “ballistic fingerprints,” which would allow law enforcement to track guns used in multiple crimes. In Maryland, ...
Pakistan has denounced new US sanctions on the country’s ballistic missile programme as “discriminatory” and said they put the region’s peace and security at risk. Pakistan’s Ministry of ...
SEOUL: North Korea fired several short-range ballistic missiles into the sea on Tuesday (Jan 14), according to Seoul's military, in what experts said could be a message to US President-elect ...