At a forest school in Borneo, baby orangutans learn tree-climbing skills from their human surrogate parents. The orphans spend 12 hours a day in the forest, preparing for a new life in the wild.
A critically endangered orangutan born at Blackpool Zoo ... “extremely high” risk of extinction in the wild. Rufus is the second Bornean baby orangutan to arrive at the zoo after more than ...
Michaela and Steve are encouraged by the progress of Grendon, Ellie and Lomon - the orphaned baby orangutans who are being re-trained for a life in the wild. In the 'Forest School' classes ...
She was blinded, and she had a baby who was a few months ... arms like babies,” he said. Orangutans are very smart. They are known to make simple tools in the wild, whether it’s to help ...
Local caregivers become surrogate parents, with round-the-clock care to replicate the intense family bond an orangutan would have with its mother in the wild. They teach their young charges how to ...
“At the time we started here, no one had really worked on hormones in wild apes,” she says. “People said I was crazy.” Commanding high prices as pets on the black market, baby orangutans ...
This story appears in the October/November 2016 issue of Nat Geo WILD magazine. Biological anthropologist Cheryl Knott and photojournalist Tim Laman have dedicated their lives to the orangutans of ...