不过俗话说念念不忘必有回响,我终于还是等来了美商海盗船的无线键盘——K70 PRO MINI WIRELESS,从型号上就能看出它是隶属海盗船定位高端的K70系列。
When the K70 Pro Mini Wireless surfaced in 2022, it marked a major milestone for Corsair. As the manufacturer's first hot-swappable keyboard, it began a trend of highly customizable gaming gear.
今天要开箱介绍的主角是美商海盗船新推出的K70 PRO MINI无线机械键盘,它主打支持2.4G无线+蓝牙+有线三模连接,全键热插拔+PBT键帽。60%极简配列十分 ...
Corsair has announced its latest mechanical keyboard - the K70 Pro Mini Wireless. It's a 60% layout with hot-swappable switches, RGB lighting and a choice of wired, Slipstream wireless ...